How to Scan Large Format Blueprints For Cheap


  • Large-Format Scanner (only if you want to go buy one for $1,000+)
  • USB drive
Foundation Wall Details from my Paternal Grandparent’s Home, Designed by my Maternal Grandfather
How to Save Large Format Architectural Paper Plans as a PDFs
I had a set of architectural drawings from my grandparent’s home and decided to store them digitally so that I’d have a copy if something happened to the physical copies.  The home was designed in 1975 so there never were cad drawings.  I first called Fedex-Kinkos and they quoted me a price of $1.99 per square foot.  I have 14 pages totaling over 77 square feet.  That would be 77 x 1.99 = 153.23 + 9.25% Chicago sales tax = $167.40.  I say no thank you!  So I called around and found out that Staples will scan your blueprints at 400 dpi (not that great but good enough) for $1.99/print.  With tax that ran me $30.71 (which includes a whopping $.25 fee 🙂 for saving them on my USB stick).  I’ll take that.  Anyway, if you must scan some architectural plans then call around because you can save quite a bit of money ($136.69 saved in my case).  You’ll need to bring a USB drive with you to leave with them so they can save them.

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